Walnut cross with carved-in letters

Walnut cross with carved-in letters. Made for order. 
Materials – walnut, natural pigment for letters; woodfinish – natural beeswax.
Lengh of the cross – 4ft.

Urbi Et Orbi. Woodcarved picture from the book of 1888'

New order. This is the old picture which means: ’’A missionary of the Middle Ages tells that he had found the point where the sky and the Earth touch..’’. Here is information from Wikipedia about this picture:
This picture was made from basswood; natural woodfinish using natural beeswax, size 15,8’’ X 23,5’’. Color of each picture received as a results of different light and different stages of woodfinish. The last picture is the original one which I needed to carve.

Woodcarving barrette. Custom hand-carved hair-pin. A Gift to my beloved wife.


Barrette. A Gift to my beloved wife.
white oak, woodfinish - natural wax and plant pigments. in project used anatomical features of the head, the hair amount and structure. The sketch of this barrette were based on samples of the Judea, Greece and Rome from 1 to 4 centuries.
The work was made with special custom made carving tools made by the company «Khechoyan's Carving's & Tools».

Watch for the next blog entry....

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